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Alaa omer najim

Research Interests

Place of Work Technical Engineering College/ Kirkuk
Position manager of Division of scholarships and cultural relations
Qualification Master
Speciality Computer network
Phone 07701275643
Address hay_alnasir, iraq, Kirkuk, Iraq
About Me


LTE (60%)
GIS (40%)
network (80%)
autocad (90%)


Comparative Study of Packet Scheduling Algorithm in LTE Network.
Nov 23, 2017

Journal Journal of Computer Science

DOI 10.3844/jcssp.2017.756.766

Volume 12

At present, Long-Term Evolution (LTE) is the most popular Internet access technology because of its robust wireless connectivity that can support data, voice, video and messaging traffic. This advantage has significantly increased the number of users availing themselves of these services through various devices. Such an increase in the number of users has also increased network traffic. Thus, scheduling algorithms are needed to prioritize and distribute available resources among users to improve system performance. Researchers have proposed several algorithms that focus on meeting the Quality of Service requirement for different applications. The current study evaluates the performance of four scheduling algorithms for LTE downlink transmission, namely, proportional fair, exponential PF, exponential rule and log-rule algorithms, in a certain scenario. The performance of these algorithms was evaluated using an LTE-Sim simulator. Simulation results show that the log-rule algorithm outperforms other packet scheduling algorithms in terms of delay, throughput and packet loss ratio when serving Voice-over-Internet Protocol packet data service on the LTE network.

Delay-Oriented Resource Allocation for OFDMA Real-Time Mobile Broadband Services.
Mar 15, 2023

Journal International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies

Radio Resource Management (RRM) is the key component that influences the Quality of Service (QoS) in emerging mobile systems. The harsh requirements of recent multimedia applications press on the behavior of the resource allocation model at the Medium Access Control (MAC). This, under certain conditions, deteriorates awareness of the scheduler in satisfying QoS characteristics for the diverse attending traffic flows. The trade-off between QoS metrics may be a viable remedy to this problem. However, if the tradeoff is not meticulously addressed, it definitely increases the delay beyond the allowed threshold and plummets the data rates of the involved flows. In this article, a Delay-oriented Resource Allocation (DoRA) scheduler is proposed for the downlink channel to transmit multimedia applications. The main aim of DoRA is to schedule flows of different volumes with guaranteed low delay values and acceptable throughput under harsh network conditions (ie, high traffic load and mobility). An efficient priority weight function is formulated based on a delay-oriented rule considering the buffer delay of the diverse flows. Eventually, a greedy algorithm assigns channel resources to the prioritized flows with high weights. DoRA is compared to reference schedulers using system-level simulation over two scenarios. The performance results indicate that DoRA maintains a low end-to-end delay with robust throughput and efficient spectrum efficiency for different flow volumes over congested network states.

Spatial analysis of particulate matter (PM10) using MODIS aerosol optical thickness observations and GIS over East Malaysia‏
Aug 1, 2023

Journal The Egyptian Journal of Remote Sensing and Space Science


Issue 26

Volume 2

Even though there are expert monitoring and assessment stations in large cities, air quality monitoring and measurement have a high cost and face significant issues. Data on air pollution can be acquired from remote sensing satellites for large areas and at a reasonable expense to compensate for monitoring stations on the ground. This research presented a method for retrieving PM10 from Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) satellite Aerosol Optical Thickness (AOT) records. The study depends on a previously established equation to retrieve PM10 over Malaysia in September 2014. In Contrast Reduction Technique, we used Aerosol Robotic Network AERONET AOT to define the reference. The conversion factors, representing the relationship between AOT and PM10 satellite columns, were determined using a mathematical approach. The size and type of aerosol, relative humidity, and …



Performance Evaluation of Throughput and Fairness Balancing in LTE Packet Scheduling
Jan 1, 2017 - Jan 3, 2017

