Abdulkreem Mohammed Salih yasin
Research Interestsimage processing
watermarking image
digital signal processing
Gender | MALE |
Place of Work | Dour Technical Institute |
Position | Assistant Dean for Student Affairs |
Qualification | Master |
Speciality | Signal processing |
abdulkreem86@ntu.edu.iq | |
Phone | |
Address | , , Mosul, Iraq |
Digital Color Image Watermarking Using Encoded Frequent Mark
Feb 28, 2019Journal Journal of Engineering - University of Baghdad
With the increased development in digital media and communication, the need for methods to protection and security became very important factor, where the exchange and transmit date over communication channel led to make effort to protect these data from unauthentication access. This paper present a new method to protect color image from unauthentication access using watermarking. The watermarking algorithm hide the encoded mark image in frequency domain using Discrete Cosine Transform. The main principle of the algorithm is encode frequent mark in cover color image. The watermark image bits are spread by repeat the mark and arrange in encoded method that provide algorithm more robustness and security. The proposed algorithm efficiency is measured by using many of measurement factors such as Peak Signal to Noise Ratio PSNR and Normalized Correlation Coefficient NC, the watermark robustness and feasibility are measured by using many types of attacks.
Sep 1, 2019publisher Journal of Engineering and Technology
DOI 10.31026/j.eng.2019.03.07.
Due to the increasing demand for communications services, particularly the application of broadband multimedia services, it has become necessary to search for easy, low cost, and reliable communications with information security. Communications via power lines PLC have become an attractive environment for communications services because of the power grid covering large areas of the world. This research will discuss the most important factors affecting the efficiency of PLC systems and will focus more on the distance between modems and change in load within the network. A set of modems has been connected to the local area network LAN, performing the tests at different distances, then switching the load and observing changes in system efficiency. The practical results have shown that the long-distance had a negative effect, also the change in load has a significant negative impact on the rate of transfer of information and efficiency, as described later in the practical section. Therefore requires further practical research and full knowledge of other challenges that currently limit their widespread commercially PLC application.
Geometric Form Algorithm for Data Hiding
Feb 1, 2021Hiding digital data is one of the arts of hiding information in the internet. This technique has an important role in the field of information security. Transmission of information over communication networks exposes it to theft from attackers and hackers. One solution of avoiding this problem is to hide the information in image so that the targeted message will not be known to repel the attention of thieves. In the proposed algorithm, the hiding of data is based on rearranging the target data and distributing it in a frame called Geometric Frame (GF) that have dimensions with the same dimensions of the cover image. The proposed algorithm is able to achieve the basic metrics used in steganography. In addition, the secret key improves the security objectives. The image quality for stage image will be improved due to ability to choosing the suitable frame for message bits. The proposed Geometric Form algorithm shows a significant result compared with the other related works.
Scaled conjugate gradient ANN for industrial sensors calibration
Apr 2, 2021Volume Vol 10, No 2
n this paper, artificial neural network is used to calibrate sensors that are commonly used in industry. Usually, such sensors have nonlinear input output characteristic that makes their calibration process rather inaccurate and unsatisfied. Artificial neural network is utilized in an inverse model learning mode to precisely calibrate such sensors. The scaled conjugate gradient (SCG) algorithm is used in the learning process. Three types of industrial sensors which are gas concentration sensor, force sensors and humidity sensors are considered in this work. It is found that the proposed calibration technique gives fast, robust and satisfactory results.
Improved Watermark Criteria Through Mark image
Feb 22, 2022Journal NTU Journal of Engineering and Technology
publisher Journal of Engineering and Technology
DOI 10.31026/j.eng.2019.03.07.
Volume Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): Second Issue
With many applications using digital multimedia technologies, the need to protect digital multimedia data from hackers is emphasized. Copyright holders are concerned about protecting any kind of unlawful duplication of their information. With all these kinds of problems, technology development is very important. Digital watermarks are an important requirement to protect multimedia data. There are important criteria to measure the success of a watermarking process, it is confidentiality, capacity and reliability. In this paper, the logo mark was relied upon to achieve these criteria to a high degree by taking advantage of the symmetry characteristic of the logo image, Which is often used this type of logo images. Symmetry reduces the size of the embedded data, reduces the location of the embedded within the image, and increases confidentiality by encrypting less data in various ways.
Apr 14, 2022Journal Eastern-European Journal of Enterp
DOI 10.31026/j.eng.2019.03.07.
Modern systems have been focusing onimproving the quality of life for people. Hence,new technologies and systems are currentlyutilized extensively in different sectors of oursocieties, such as education and medicine. One ofthe medical applications is using computer visiontechnology to help blind people in their dailyendeavors and reduce their frequent dependenceon their close people and also create a stateof independence for visually impaired people inconducting daily financial operations. Motivatedby this fact, the work concentrates on assistingthe visually impaired to distinguish among Iraqibanknotes. In essence, we employ computervision in conjunction with Deep Learningalgorithms to build a multiclass classificationmodel for classifying the banknotes. This systemwill produce specific vocal commands that areequivalent to the categorized banknote image,and then inform the visually impaired people ofthe denomination of each banknote. To classifythe Iraqi banknotes, it is important to knowthat they have two sides: the Arabic side andthe English side, which is considered one of theimportant issues for human-computer interaction(HCI) in constructing the classification model. Inthis paper, we use a database, which comprises3,961 image samples of the seven Iraqi papercurrency categories. Furthermore, a nineteenlayers Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) istrained using this database in order to distinguishamong the denominations of the banknotes.Finally, the developed system has exhibited anaccuracy of 98.6 %, which proves the feasibilityof the proposed modelKeywords: big data, convolutional neuralnetwork, multi-class classification, papercurrency classification, Iraqi banknotes, image-to-vocal, deep learning
Internet of Things based Wireless Sensor Network - WiFi Coexistence in Medical Applications
Jun 30, 2022publisher 2022 8th International Engineering Conference on Sustainable Technology and Development
With an advent of Internet of Things (IoT) applications, the potential and advantages of IoT technology in health and environmental services are becoming more apparent, allowing service quality to be improved via the use of devices and sensors. For health applications, an optimization technique is used to optimize IoT-based network connectivity using wireless sensor networks (WSNs) and smart connected sensors. Continuous health monitoring is necessary to monitor and send the patients’ data continuously to the hospital’s information system which it is located at another location using an existing hospital’s wireless local area network. This study evaluates the influence of WLAN when it was added to WSN which it represented by IEEE802.25.4 ZigBee sensors and how the coexistence occurs because Wifi and ZigBee operated on the same channel. The study was performed using Riverbed Modeler Academic edition (v17.5) in number of modeled scenarios. The collected results showed that the coexistence of Wi-Fi degrade the ZigBee network performance in terms of throughput, delay, and data dropped in some applications such as: (File transfer, Web browsing and Database Access). The increasing number of PCs in Wifi-ZigBee network with a suitable choice of routing topology could improve the performance of the proposed network.